
Sunday, 4 November 2018

Dave and Rita’s Sea Strike 16 (Australia)


It was great to hear from Dave and Rita and the launching of their Sea Strike 16.

They write:
Hi Mark
Our sincere apologies for taking so long to get these photographs to you. Dave really appreciates the information and assistance that you gave in regards to our build. When these pictures were taken Dave recorded the performance figures and fuel economy but unfortunately someone took his note pad or it was blown away because he has been unable to find it since. However he will do it all again
and I email you the figures. We will also try and send you a video once we work out how to do it!

We will be coming to Queensland at the end of April next year for a wedding
and would love to catch up with you.

Kind regards
DaveM and Rita

Here's just a few of the photo's that they sent me. What a beautiful job you did building her Dave !!

To see more of this design, please click HERE

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