
Friday 12 December 2014

Hugh's Sea Strike 16 (Australia)


Its great to see another Sea Strike 16 hit the water. This time its from Colt (Hugh) from Sydney.

He writes:

Hi all

We are finally afloat. Still lots of bits n pieces to do. But I just couldn't wait any longer. I'd call it a sea trial rather than a launching.

Before I'd even set foot on the boat. A couple of old blokes wanted me to settle an argument and confirm whether the boat was alloy or glass and what type of boat it was. They couldn't believe that id made it myself and then asked how much the "kit" was to buy.

The boat rides incredibly smooth. It was a windy day, but very dry in the boat. Handles the wash beautifully. She sat on about 18kts at 4000rpm. I pushed it to 5000 for a second or two and we hit 26knts. I recon it will go close to 30 at wot.

Couldn't keep the smile off my dial !!

If you like to see more of this design, Please click HERE

Friday 29 August 2014

Peter's Mushulu 12


Well "Salt Peter" is finished, launched and has done 9 hours of cruising. Everything went well. The craft performed beautifully. Have had the 9.9 Hp motor up to full throttle and the boat planed with 2 people (90 kg each). A very dry boat, running straight and steady and took turns like a champion. Congratulations!
Regards Peter

Monday 12 May 2014

Andrew's Mushulu 14 (Australia)


Its great to see another Mushulu 14 launched this week by Andrew down in Melbourne (Vic)
He writes:

Hi all,
Just had a successful splashing over the weekend!  
Properly launched my recently completed Mushulu 14 over the weekend, and I have to say, this thing is awesome!

As posted in the build thread, I worked flat stick through the Easter/ANZAC break to complete and splash the boat, but only narrowly managed to get it wet at the ramp for a water-test just before sunset on the last arvo of the holiday.
Was obviously totally psyched, but didn't get to get out of the creek, due to the wind blowing a gale, and the sun going down.
Mission accomplished however, as my aim was to get the hull in the water!

Unlucky for me, Melbourne decided to turn against its residents, in particularly boat builders keen on a nice launch day, and for the last fortnight the weather was terrible!

Gave me a chance to attach a bit of hardware etc, but was stinging to get out in it. Well, after a fortnight of Melbourne's finest lashing wind, rain and miserable skies, some good weather finally arrived!  After attending to a couple of Mother’s Day “duties”, the bay (Port Phillip) was as flat as a lake, so out we headed!

Well... this boat is absolutely awesome... bloody loving it! Leaps onto the plane and pumps out two perfect in-out ramps for wakeskate enjoyment.
Hanging to get out behind this beast and have a shred! YEEEEEEWWWW!!!!

Again, thanks to Mark and all the boat builders on the BMD forum, for providing great advice and help inspiring confidence on a daily basis!

And of course to the two trusting crew members, my girlfriend Jo and my sister Ali!

Cheers, Andrew.

If you would like to see more of this design, please click HERE

Thursday 13 March 2014

Lachie's EdgeTracker 487 (Australia)

Its great to see yet another EdgeTracker 487 being launched this week. This time from Lachie down in Melbourne (Vic).
He writes:

Well the day has finally come! My dad and I took her out from St Kilda this morning. Very stable at rest as I let the new engine idle for 5 mins.  We spent nearly 2hrs at under 3000rpm to break the motor in which didn't get up on the plane. Then another 1hr under 4000rpm. Had a bit of a play at higher revs but the northerly picked up to above 20knts. It handled the chop no worries, the spray shoots off the chines and it was a pretty dry ride. 

Hey guys, thought I should share some of my experiences in the ET487 "Tiktaalik".

I am now getting 31 knots at around 6000 rpm with 1 person
and about 29 knots @ 5800 rpm with 2 people and full load (approx 200kg)

Feels like a lot faster than 31 knots with the wind in your face, its a bit of a rush but you really need to pay attention at that speed.

I have been out just about every suitable day since launch and am racking up the hours and fish. I took it offshore at Port fairy last weekend and trolled around all day and went about 13 miles offshore and only used about 45 litres!
The trip out was pretty rough, but the ET487 ate the chop for breakfast. It is such a soft and quiet ride. We copped a bit of spray that day but that's expected in an open boat in those conditions. It is a very dry boat.
Managed a few small Bluefin Tuna on light tackle ,which was fun and a mate just missed one on the fly rod.

Also been getting a few Kingfish as well.

If you want to see more of this design, please click HERE

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Lance's Sea Strike 16 (New Zealand)


Lance just sent me in these awesome photo's out and about with his family in their Sea Strike 16 - "Gulf War".
Great to see they're having a blast enjoying the boat as a family boat and also some serious fishing - "Sea Strike Slaying" as he calls it. Love it 

He writes:

Went out again for an early morning dive mission. Once again the wind came up to over 20 knots. Farkin spring wether driving me nuts. I don't even know how this boat goes in calm conditions. (LOL)
Freezing cold sou'wester all the way home. It was head on. Just trim the nose down and punched home with the authority of a 747. I simply cannot get over how well this boat rides. I had two sets of scuba gear on board. Plus full compliment of fishing gear and crusied back at over 30 mph over taking all manor of boats in the way. My friend Matt was utterly staggered. A little 16 ft centre console should not be blasting past 6m hardtops in choppy as all hell conditions. 
I had a massive grin plastered across my face the whole time. The screen was awesome, directing air and spray up and over my face when standing. All the storage compartment gobbled up all the gear and tanks. Looks like the fish will live to fight another day though. Got dinner..... But she was slow fishing.

Finally had a fine weather window on a weekend and took a kid fishing. Really nice to get out there and have a great day without getting smashed on the way home
Leon cleaned up his old man in the trevally department... ( they are suckers for flasher rigs) but got some good snapper, and really enjoyed the boat in what was beautiful conditions.

To see more of this design, please click HERE

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Adam's Sea Strike 16 (Australia)


Its great to see yet another Sea Strike 16 being launched this week. This time its from Adam down at Sydney !
He writes:

The Sea Strike has been salted! I can now say its officially splashed and named 😀

After a crazy late Sunday afternoon of getting the boat ready and rigging up the fishing gear we headed off Monday morning at 4:30 ( I only got 2hrs of sleep)...Never again..Im still feeling it 😕 It only took 50min with a clean run to the Rose Bay Ramp. ( ... CCcQ-A8wAA)

One thing I keep noticing about towing the SS is how light it is. I did a 130km return trip and didnt even use a 1/4 of a tank! On board I was carrying 110L of fuel, Bag of ice, all the required safety gear, water, food and fishing gear. Its very easy to forget that your even towing a boat.

Arriving at the Boat ramp I was very happy to see no boats lining up... Well that changed in about 30 seconds..perfect timing 😎

On returning after parking the trailer (5mins) there were boats and chaos everywhere! Ahh.. the smell and noise of two strokes in the morning...We were off! Allie, Toffee the dog and my self. Wanting just to get my bearings and how to work around the boat I took it easy. We headed out to Shark Island and towards Camp Cove. The conditions were pretty lumpy and the SS took it all in her stride and lived up to the BMD reputation. At this point I was felling pretty average..even after coffee!

We had a flick around the markers and headed for South Head. I didn't feel like I had my gear together and was struggling mainly due to the lack of sleep and Allie started to feel a little squeeze so to avoid an early departure I headed to Bantry Bay in Middle Harbour for a bit of flat water, sun and easy fishing 😀 Allie and Toff were very happy about that. We anchored just on the drop off of the sand bar and chilled out for an hour or so. Flicked out a few baits and landed the first fish on the SS. A solid Snapper weighing in at 100g (LOL), wasn't quite what I hoped for but a fish nonetheless.

Feeling recovered and gear sorted we pulled the pick and headed back out to north head to do a bit of easy trolling.

Heading into a light breeze and a 1-1.5m swell at 7 knots the SS took it on with not a problem. Easy comfortable ride. If it wasn't I would have heard about it! Hitting North Head I turned beam on and headed south to The Gap. Didn't really notice the swell, she tracks well with a soft roll. Turing north and just passing the Gap I hooked up to a nice medium rat kingy! Second fish on board. Kingy tick!

Heading east back to the ramp we were faced with 20 knots of wind, chop and boat wash. I pushed “Blue Arrow” to a comfortable 26knots at 5100 rpm. Easy smooth ride..what wind and chop ❓ I dont have hand rails yet and didnt feel at any time.  There was plenty of grunt left but the other half is not a speed freak so I played it safe 😉

As I flew past a few boats I was getting a very confused look 😆 Pulling into the ramp I was greeted with more chaos and a flotilla of boats. Yes it just occurred to me that it was a public holiday 🙄 Trailering the SS is a breeze and as its a light boat. Allie can winch it in with out struggling or whinging. While at the ramp, the comments started flowing. Nice rig, what sort of boat is that? Plate or fibre glass? What brand is it? When I said I built it, I just got a confused look and the “yea its a nice rig” lol Something else I noticed when passing other boats they were all looking for a brand name. The Sea Strike is a head turner that for sure.

So lots of fun to be had and the Blue Arrow smashed it. Need to take her off shore but a can say with confidence that she will handle it. Look forward to filling my kill tank. Which reminds me. The bag of ice melted as I left the sea cock open and drain plug out and it flooded the kill tank 😳 .. I drained it and put the frozen bait in it. Was still frozen at the end of the day 😀

Big shout out and thank you to BMD for designing an amazing boat.
The outstanding service, design knowledge, attention to detail, and the hour long phone conversations 😆 is what makes BMD one of a kind world wide. You'd be hard pressed to find this any where else..and why would you bother looking 😀
It was a great 2 years building and I look forward to seeing some new designs!

A fella called Andy from the "Downrigger shop" took this photo of Adam and Davo outside Sydney heads fishing.
He writes on facebook:

Dave Potts fished from this sweet CC at Longie last week. It was one of those days when the slop was way worse than it shows in the pictures, but this beaut little boat looked rock solid and fishable. 

To see more of this design, please click HERE