
Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Glenn's Broadwater 5.1 (Australia)


It great to see yet another Broadwater 5.1 now launched. This time from Glenn down in Melbourne Vic (Australia)

With his outboard all booked in, during the last few days he was running around wiring in the batteries and battery switch, bilge pumps, nav lights, sounder and sorting out the Hydrive steering system, wiring the cabin and cockpit lights, radios and speakers, washdown and fresh water pumps.

Two days later and with a beautiful day in Melbourne, although he said it was a little cool, Glenn and his wife Kim snuck away early to do a quick on-water test of the engine-prop combo.

With his Mercury 115 Hp 4 stroke bolted on, his top speed is 36 knots (67 kph) at 6000 RPM with a cruising speed of 24 knots (45 kph) at 4000 rpm.

Initial Launch photo's of the Day

Well… it took the surgeons 3 hours to surgically remove the smile from his face.
Kim and I are absolutely stoked !!

His comments about the boat , well he reckons the hole shot is pretty awesome!
Straight up on the plane and no hole in the water ! Kim was holding the camera
in the hole-shot video, just about blew her hat off her head and her out of her seat -
that's the big giggle about a third of the way through the video!

Impressions of the boat so far - very stable, sits nicely in the water. Very easy to drive.
Handles the nasty 1-3 foot chop we get in Port Philip Bay really well,
sat on 18 knots all the way in. 

On Friday night in a 20 kt southerly with lots of wind-blown chop of about 2 feet, soft ride and comfortable.
Pops up onto the plane quickly, rides very flat.

Thanks Mark for a great design.

Anyway...back to wiring and sorting out the rod holders and bait board this weekend,
finish painting the sole (deck that you stand on) then I have to make up the windscreen -
have to gear up for snapper season and change the species of blood on the boat!
Thanks to my "First Mate" Kim for all the help and support!!
Kim is just as excited to finally get the boat wet as I am!

To see more of this design..Please click HERE

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